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Revisiting Isaiah 1
When an action wounds a relationship one values, they do whatever it takes to mend it. Israel had wounded and angered God. But they kept...

Contemplating Isaiah’s Scroll, Part I
Children don’t always want what’s good for them. They want what they want. Should they, in later years, turn inward or wander wayward,...

The Things of Prophets and Angels
Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care,...

That’s the way I want to walk
I can’t remember a time when there was more foot traffic through my neighborhood and the adjacent walkways. It began with the first...

The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light (Rm 13:12). He...

Who’s the real enemy here?
His final Passover came much too quickly. It was over even more quickly. Not being one to delay, He knew the time had come. All had been...

Before the Tables Turned
Before the Light flooded my soul, before the Truth captured my heart, before I took the Hand extended to pull me from the pit, the only...

Trending Now
Welcome, friend, to a moment you’ve captured out of your busy day. Don’t feel guilty about it. Instead, take a deep breath. Clear your...

An Ad for Life
“Call to schedule your appointment today,” the advertiser peddled over the morning drive-time radio. It wasn’t for a free inspection,...

El Sama, God Hears
David knew it [1]. Hagar knew it [2]. Job knew it [3]. But do you? Ours is a God Who Hears. Walk with me to an ancient riverbed so you...

When familiar becomes a trap
Winter colored the Sunday sky gray and gloomy and put a nip in the wind’s tail. So I curled up all comfy-cozy like with a good book and a...
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