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Remembering the Love of God

See what great love the Father has lavished on us,

that we should be called children of God!

(1 Jn 3:1a)

In the everyday rush-of-life, it’s easy to forget the love of the Father. Both that it exists and its immensity—forgotten.

But the apostle John reminds us with this exclamatory statement. Because it’s a reminder we need in this often-harsh life.

That we are even called His child is lavish in itself. And that is what we are! (1 Jn 3:1b)

What clouds your vision to it, like a foggy mirror after a steamy shower? We often view ourselves as anything but a child of God.

What of others? Don’t we often forget to see them from heaven’s viewpoint?

But we have this hope, that He who began a good work in us will complete it (Php 1:6). A work which includes our consistent ability to possess His love and express it to others.

It’s a constant prayer and unwavering hope—that I might know Him and be made like Him. All the while remembering that I am lavished in His love.

Loving Father, I praise You for this love beyond all comprehension—showered upon us lavishly from Your grace. Build in me an awareness that I am Your child. And to see others in the same light. I confess that I do not always treat them as such. Forgive me. And transform this heart of mine to love as You love.

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