“I am watching, and I will certainly carry out all my plans.”
(Jer 1:12b NLT)
Don’t you just love that verse?!
I sure do.
It speaks two assuring words:
God is watching;
God is winning.
God’s plan will be accomplished and He is watching to be sure it is.
This world certainly needs a sure thing. And a sure-thing is only sure when it’s a God-thing.
God is watching to see that His word is fulfilled.
He is
God sent word through Jeremiah, the prophet, when Israel had fallen their farthest and were at their worst.
He didn’t wait for them to straighten up and behave before He extended promise.
As sure as His words to them of coming judgment were, and as sure as His promise of restoration, was His watchful presence.
And just as certain as His presence is His Plan.
Opposition has not hindered it.
Darkness has never overcome it.
Lack of faith has not stopped it.
And ordinary, sinful man has not curtailed the purposes of God,
try as we might…we have no might in that regard.
Now that’s a good word we can all be sure of today!
