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Christmas in the Gospels - Day 7
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on...

What’s to Fear
Mary received a greeting of grace, a deeply troubling message, and an encouraging word--all at once.

Be Prepared with a Reply
Play to listen How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who...

Rest—It’s Part of the Preparation
A December calendar is typically rather demanding. Ruthless, even.

Zoe—Past, Present, and Future
How are the tenses of this abundant life we live in Christ to be viewed? (And I’m not referring to stress!) There are those who say,...

The Keys to Life
“When I saw Him, I fell at His feet as though dead. Then He placed His right hand on me and said: ‘Do not be afraid. I am the First and...

Shining Advent Light on Peace
The dawning of the onus of peace began with one bite of the forbidden fruit. And the quest for peace has not ceased this side of Eden’s...

The Struggle is Real
Have you ever wrestled with something so hard, that it leaves you completely spent? While I’ve never been strapped into a straitjacket...

Remembering His Assuring Words
Forty days counted out past Resurrection Sunday is a day marked for remembrance. Remembrance of the day, ages ago, when the Son of God...

Four L’s for the day . . . any day – but especially today
To settle our minds and our hearts is to settle them on the One Who Is Peace. But that often requires a determined effort until the habit...

When all the world is pulling you down
On worn and trusty skates, they headed out into the wintry wonderland in search of a grand, childhood adventure. The lake was their...
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