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Another Place—Planned, Promised, and Prepared

And if I go and prepare a place for you,

I will come back and take you to be with Me

that you also may be where I am (John 14:3).


Background music: Michael W Smith, Christmas at Wildwood from Every Christmas


We have walked through the story of God together this season, recalling all the things God prepared for the coming of His Son. We began at Creation, where God prepared a place to dwell with His “firstborn” children in Eden’s garden.


We considered the instructions God gave His chosen people to prepare the tabernacle, in order for Him to tabernacle with them, as they made their way to the land promised. A land with the finest of fruits, prepared by His grace. A place where they could thrive and prosper and bring glory to His name.


There came a time in history when God allowed King Solomon to build a temple. A place where He would dwell among them, and they could worship and serve as His holy people.


Then God prepared time for the arrival of His Son, so He could once again tabernacle among us. Through His coming, He was preparing our way to God’s eternal home promised.


That’s a lot of preparing.

      And that’s a whole lot of grace

            for a rather rebellious lot.


But there is another dwelling yet to come.

      And what a spectacular place it will be!

            A place where we will, at last, enter into the Lord’s rest.


Ever creating,


            making things new—

                  the Master Carpenter is preparing another place.


It will be a no-other-place-like-it place,

      a forever place . . .

            with Him.


A place where bodies don’t wear out,

      and lives aren’t broken.

            Where light and love and goodness reign—

                  because He reigns.


The waiting is hard—

      waiting for His promised return . . .

                  for consummation.


But we have hope for the wait.

      We have the Church,

            the family prepared for the here and now.


And we have much to do,

      filling all the grand rooms

            He is preparing.


We can serve like Him,

      here in this place,

            as we long for another.


Let’s fix our hearts homeward,

      upon the King of Glory,

            and His eternal place prepared.


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