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Be Prepared with a Reply

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How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’ (Isaiah 52:7)

Background music attribution: The O’Neill Brothers Group, The Holly & The Ivy from Joyous Christmas Carols on Piano

This fallen world is merciless. Headlines report that Americans are living amid a mental health crisis. Precious souls are straining under mounting stress.

When someone you know receives one more bit of bad news, it helps to be prepared with an encouraging reply. Not something trite or rehearsed. Not cliché or unmerciful. But a comfort from the Lord. A reason for hope. Truth to behold.

Especially now, in these mounting days when people are grappling for courage.

Ask God to provide just such a ready reply. In times of quiet before Him, He equips us with a reply. A word of our hope . . . our peace . . . our joy in the Lord.

The gospel is God’s gift to the world for salvation, but it also lends courage and peace in a world brimming with crushing, bad news. It is that good news every heart needs—for wrapped in its gift is the real beauty of hope and perseverance in the midst of suffering.

As God has blessed us with a comforting, strengthening word, we can bless others.

We have a gift to share with the world. We can bless them with news of hope and purest love.

Christmas contains the message of the miraculous grace of heaven that came to earth to free us from all that threatens our peace with God. It’s a message that God has come to restore our dignity lost and offers us hope for our future. And strength for our hard days.

That Christ our Lord has come to save, He is now with us as we walk through suffering and helps us endure. He has made a way for us to have hope beyond today. That is some really terrific news!

In the midst of harsh, empirical oppression, there was still a silent night—with angels proclaiming the good news of God. They shared it with those in need.

So can we.

Or maybe you are that one in need. I say to you: remember—and keep remembering. Remember, present grace has come. With the birth of Jesus came a proclamation of peace, good tidings, and salvation. Jesus reigns, sovereign and supreme! And He has promised to redeem all things. Your Savior—ever faithful, good, and true—can be trusted in every stress-filled day.

Now that is a reply to have at the ready for those God brings your way.

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