“Blessed is the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has visited and provided redemption for his people. He has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David” (Luke 1:68-69 CSB).
People don’t often combine the crucifixion with Christmas. Since we’re contemplating the gifts graced by Jesus found in the gospels, we can’t neglect it. But it hardly casts a shadow. Because the gift of salvation through Jesus, one of the greatest gifts of His love for the whole world, is more valuable than gold.
We simply must visit this hallowed ground.
At the center of the gruesome scene of the cross of the Christ is the beautiful gift of God’s mercy. The crucifixion leaves two lasting impressions: the hideousness of sin and God’s longing that none perish.
It had to happen. As Jesus said of His inevitable suffering, “The scriptures must be fulfilled” (Luke 18:31).
What else was God to do?
As Athanasius pointed out, “The race of humans was perishing, and the human being made rational, and in the image [of God], was disappearing, and the work made by God was being obliterated. It was therefore right not to permit human beings to be carried away by corruption, because this would be improper to and unworthy of the goodness of God” (On the Incarnation).
Jesus, crucified, was the only solution. And only Jesus was a worthy sacrifice for the necessary propitiation.
Behold the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29)! Who can bear to look upon it? But we must. For there hangs ransom for the world. There, freedom and forgiveness were bought. There, the birth and life of the Son of God reached its climax. Even with every breathless word He strained to deliver, He continued to teach all who will listen and fulfill all that had been said.
Upon the cross, Jesus gifted His Father with faithfulness . . . and man with salvation. The One Who could save Himself chose, instead, to save others (Matthew 27:42).
The gift of paradise Jesus granted the thief (Luke 23:43), He offers to all who would so believe - but not without the Cross of Christ.
Heavenly Father, today, in remembrance of the crucifixion of our Lord and Savior, we come praying for the salvation of others. Continue to add to Your numbers daily those who are being saved. Bring about a revival of repentance around the globe. Spread the gospel to the furthest, most remote places so all will hear and come to know Jesus.