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Men Pointing Forward

Many great men served both God and man through the ages spanning the Old Testament era. There were the patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Moses. The priests, beginning with Aaron. Don't forget the kings (who doesn't love David?). And the prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, to name a few. They were mediators. Go-betweens for a holy God unto an unholy people.

The patriarchs, priest, kings, and prophets were common men, chosen and called by God to step into a less-than-favorable role. They served as mediators, conveying God’s covenant message. They prefigured a greater Mediator to come. They pointed forward to Jesus.

For there is one God and one mediator between God and men,

the man Christ Jesus

(1 Tm 2:5).

Jesus is the only perfect mediator. He’s the Mediator of a new and better covenant. A superior covenant, says the author of Hebrews (Heb 8:6).

Easton’s Bible Dictionary defines a mediator as a person who mediates, especially between parties at variance; an intercessor; to intervene between two disputing parties; reconciles differences; one who acts as a medium of communication between two contracting parties.

Goodness surely knows that our varying differences with God needed to be reconciled. Humanity is most definitely in dire need of a mediator—for a mediator is the only way back to the Father.

These men could not reconcile man to God. They could not remove the enmity that existed. They could not bridge the great divide that kept us eternally separated. Thankfully, God instituted a new and better covenant, secured for us by Jesus Christ, through the grace of a merciful God. He is the Mediator who could!

Today, let’s remember the men in various roles down through history who ushered in a new and more perfect way. The Way. And remember our compassionate, merciful, and trustworthy Mediator, interceding on our behalf before God.

Lord Jesus, we give thanks that in this era we have One who reconciled us to God and met the requirements of a covenant we could not otherwise meet. Thank You for the new covenant You bought with Your life. We give thanks for the rich heritage of this family-of-faith and the history preserved for our edification.


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