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Remembering What To Do With Self

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live,

but Christ lives in me.

The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God,

who loved me and gave himself for me

(Gal 2:20).

I reminded us yesterday of the lavish love of the Father that Jesus revealed to mankind. He also taught us of sacrifice.

In remembrance of the sacrifice of His perfect, sinless life to atone for sin, let’s consider how we are called to sacrifice.

Aren't we called to lay down our lives? Hide our lives in Him? That can only come by way of sacrificing self. It comes by slaying the constant awareness of self, in exchange for becoming more self-sacrificial.

God has tuned my ears to listen to my own prayers. He has pricked my heart to recognize the continual requests for self-preservation. Prayers for self-absorbed blessing and comfort.

I forget my crucified self.

I forget that I have been crucified with Christ. That I no longer live, but it is He who lives in me. Anything less is, well, less!

I forget that I live only because He gave His life for me.

Galatians 2:20 holds out the sacrifice of two selves, His and mine. I, however, forget mine.

I don’t want to forget His sacrifice . . . or mine. Because remembering sacrifice deletes the self from centered.

Holy God, hallowed be Thy marvelous name. Forgive me for my self-centered life. Instill in me an attitude of self-sacrifice. Rather, empower me to live a Christ-centered life. May it begin today, for now is the season to renew heart, mind, and soul—consecrated solely unto You.

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