Life has a way of altering a day. BUT . . .
As God covered the deep Creation waters, so too He covers the space you occupy.
He is the God who has managed the fate of nations and resolved complex kingdom conflicts—which means He is not taxed with the mounting difficulties within your household.
So, when the unexpected crops up and alters your day, rest in the knowledge that He can mend anything life tatters. There is no alteration too complex for His reversal.
Those unexpected alterations do possess the ability to refine heavenly gold in the faith of the disciple.
Producing faith of great worth, trials also allow God to be seen and to shine in our lives.
You can wade right out into the unknown of this day with hope as your strength and His Spirit as your Guide. Clothed with Christ and emboldened by His promises, embrace the day—believing that the grace of your heavenly Father will not fail you.
When through the deep waters I call you to go, The rivers of sorrow shall not o'erflow; For I will be near you, your troubles to bless, And sanctify to you deepest distress.
When through fiery trials upon your pathway shall lie, My grace, all sufficient, shall be your supply. The flame will not hurt you; I only design Dross to consume, and gold to refine. (John Rippon, edited)
When you lay out the activities ahead in your day, I pray it doesn’t fill you with dread. Rather, may courage be the stitch woven into its fabric, until you triumphantly reach its end—with greater faith than when it began. And should happenstance alter its course (and it likely will!), I pray faith in our great, big God smoothes out the wrinkles and gathers with it His perfect peace.