Family ties aren’t always strong enough to withstand the tension of differing beliefs.
Have you experienced relational rifts in your earthly family over your allegiance to Jesus?
Know that matters of faith and religion have caused issues among family since Cain and Abel. That certainly was the case for the majority of the early Christians. In certain parts of the world, this problem persists even today. It can stem from someone’s belief in Yahweh as God. Or Jesus, His Son and Messiah. Or even a different choice of denomination within Christianity.
Even Jesus’ family didn’t agree with His testimony or accept His call to faith (John 7:5).
When his family heard about this, they went to take charge of him, for they said, “He is out of his mind” (Mark 3:21).
Jesus, though rejected and mocked by family members, was resolute in His identity. His sense of security and wellbeing did not come from His family. His joy was not dependent upon their approval. He was confident in His relationship with His Heavenly Father and remained true to Him. Jesus knew that life’s truest blessings came from God, whether His earthly family agreed... or not.
You cannot control your family. Or always please them. But you can rest assured in God’s good pleasure. And promise.
Now you are no longer a slave but God’s own child. (Galatians 4:7a).
Your family may never give you the support you seek with regard to your faith life. It may even cause a rift. That dissension will likely pain your heart and leave a void. But you must not let that interfere with your relationship with Jesus. Look to your Heavenly Father to provide what your family can’t.
Let God be your Father. And His family be yours.
The fact that Jesus’ siblings eventually came to believe can root your prayers for your family in solid hope—because God is always working within families.