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When the Love of God Comes Through God’s Family


God pours His great love into us through a variety of people. It graciously comes directly from Him—through His Son and His Spirit. And it can come through others—whether they are people within your familial bloodline, or they’ve come into your family through marriage, or are members of His household, which is the church of the living God (1 Timothy 3:15).


That love is a marvel!


As are the people who display it.


I’ve been a recipient of such blessing more times than I certainly deserve. Recently, even.


One such godly woman rose above any call of duty. Though not in our familial bloodline, God has made us family through the marriage of our children. But what is to be treasured even more, is the familial bond we share because of Jesus, our Brother and Bridegroom.


She acted more like family . . . than family.


She saw a need and willingly stepped up to provide for that need—though there was no expectation or responsibility to do so.


It truly was the remarkable love of Jesus in her heart. And that love moved her to act. To respond. To love.


That’s what it means to be one of the family. One of His family.


It’s to have eyes to see . . . a heart with compassion and mercy . . . and hands willing to give, serve, and sacrifice.


Her act of lovingkindness brought Ruth to mind.


Ruth, who became a member of Naomi’s family through marriage, loved like family in word and deed. She committed herself fully to Naomi. And had forsaken all, even though there was no expectation or responsibility to do so. Ruth willingly offered herself to be God’s instrument of blessing.


Each loving act we witness and experience has power to teach . . . and even change us. It can widen our eyes . . . fill our hearts . . . and move our hands to share the love of God we have received.


As God’s family, we can teach one another. Serve one another. Love one another—in increasing measure, as Peter would say.


That is my prayer.


As for Caroline, my beloved sister-in-Christ, my heart holds such inexpressible gratitude. She willingly gave of herself and her time to travel to care for my family. And faithfully demonstrated love in action. 


Such is the love of the family of God in Christ Jesus.

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